Zur Übersicht

Postdoctoral Scientist for Artificial Intelligence in Oncology m/w/d

ID: 275869

Art des Jobs Vollzeit
Eingetragen am 13.12.2024
Einsatzort Heidelberg

Jobbeschreibung Your Tasks
In this role, the candidate will engage in all relevant steps of the aforementioned research projects. This includes experimental design, development of statistical and AI methods, computational analyses of large data sets, manuscript writing and reproducible documentation. You will work in close collaboration with AI specialists, computational biologists, clinicians and experimentalists. Due to the sizeable complexity within these projects, the candidate is encouraged to help shape these projects, explore their own areas of interest, and contribute new ideas and approaches to our research efforts.
Qualifikationen Your Profile
- Master's and PhD degree in life or physical sciences with focus on bioinformatics
- Strong academic track record evidenced by peer-revied publications, preprints or other research outputs such as code repositories
- Deep understanding of data science methodologies
- Coding proficiency in Python, including PyTorch and other machine learning libraries
- Knowledge of cancer biology
- Affinity for collaborative work across discipline boundaries, international experience is an asset
- Proficiency in spoken and written English
Firma Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
69120 Heidelberg
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