Zur Übersicht

Cloud Engineer / Bioinformatician m/w/d

ID: 275834

Art des Jobs Vollzeit
Eingetragen am 12.12.2024
Einsatzort Heidelberg

Jobbeschreibung Your Tasks
- Design and develop cloud-based software architectures
- Workflow development and maintenance of omics data
- Improvement of bioinformatics workflows with respect to performance and stability
- Testing / benchmarking workflows with cloud deployments
- Development of cloud images for (human) bioinformatics
- Develop, test, and maintain genomics web services in accordance with GA4GH standards
- Collaboration with local and international scientific software developers

We offer the opportunity to help shape one of the most important emerging scientific data infrastructures for the storage and exchange of omics data in Germany.
Qualifikationen Your Profile
- PhD in computer science, mathematics, physics, bioinformatics, computational biology or a similar background with a focus on bioinformatics or data science; alternatively MSc or equivalent qualification with complementary years of relevant experience
- Proficiency and hands-on experience in running and building DNA, RNA and other omics data analysis pipelines including QC steps using workflow languages (Nextflow or Snakemake)
- Familiarity with Git version control system
- Experience with one or more of these software technologies: containers (like Docker or Singularity), package managers, and parallel computing / HPC
- Familiarity with deployments on public cloud providers (Azure, AWS, GCP, ..) or OpenStack
- Proficiency with UNIX-based systems and relevant programming languages such as Python or R is a prerequisite
- Expertise in software development and cloud computing is beneficial

The ideal applicant should have demonstrated the ability to work independently and creatively. The candidate should have excellent communication skills and be able to articulate clearly the technical needs, set clear goals, and work within an interdisciplinary setting, communicating with other partners.
Firma Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
69120 Heidelberg
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